Thursday, August 31, 2006

Buon Compleanno!!

Not sure if I spelt that right, but Happy Birthday Katie! Hope you have a good time out in Rhode Island even if the weather is crumby. You can stay inside and play that French driving card game (Miles Borne?) Safe travel.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Happy belated Birthday to Sister-in-Law Jane. Hope the new school year start's off well for you. Also, let's observe a moment of silence for Pluto being demoted to a "dwarf planet". Sad.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Noah chipping...
Last weekend we visited the Cobleskill Fair. It was a fun day with great weather, ferris wheel, kiddie coaster, motorcycle ride, animals (cows, bunnies, chickens, goats, sheep, horses and more), corn-dogs, pulled pork sandwiches, model railroads, fried dough, smoothie.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Monday, August 14, 2006

Any news?

Doesn't anyone use this blog anymore? OK here's the news: Jane & Chris have photos to share. Go to They are lovely, I must say. But then I always loved black and white photos. Must be my age.
Jason and Kate will be arriving sometime Friday afternoon, around 3:00. Have a safe trip.
Katie, tell those munchkins I'm coming for a sleepover, Wednesday afteronoon. Dad promised to use the apportunity to turn off all the water and work on the pipes in the family room.
Love you all,

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Shower in LA

Been a while since anyone posted here. Kate and I finally found time to sit down at the computer and we thought we'd just let everyone know that we received toasting flutes at Kate's bridal shower! And a "thank you" to Mom and also to Grandma for the flatware, hostess set, and serving set. We can't wait to have everyone here so we can use them. Also Kate's parents and grandfather got us a combination printer/scanner/copier/time machine. We're very excited to use it to print out our invitations, so the people reading this know they are invited. And now for no reason, here's a creepy picture of Gizmo: