Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Hello. I know my children have wonderful loving grandparents and these grandparents have been busy on the phone. So I do want to share the latest...
Oliver is doing well. His meds for strep throat seem to have treated him well. Aside from a cough and periodic runny nose (and who doesn't have that this time of year) he is the wild ball of Oliver energy we love and can't keep up with.
Cameron is doing better each day since Monday night. Her meds for strep throat (which she ended up not having) were not as helpful. One week later she is in the hospital with a belly full of air and terribly dehydrated. Today she asked for her brother to visit and she got the okay to try clear fluids....and jello has unleashed the hunger....Daddyo just called and Cameron asked for a sandwich and chips. So she's hungry! Hopefully she and I can inhale a bag of chips in our comfy pants at home the meantime we're thankful for each day that she feels a little bit better.

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